The New Resolution

yoga resolutions

It’s that time of the year, a new year where there is a lot of talk about resolutions and goals for the year ahead. What I love about the ending of one year and beginning of another is it can be a time and space for reflection, considering habits you have and ways you wish to grow. I did a meditation recently that spoke about the concept of resolutions and how we should perhaps shift the phrase to intentions. Cue - YOGA! Quite often I think we can fall into the space of wanting to 'fix' or change ourselves when a new year begins and in return we can create unrealistic goals. With resolutions I believe when we fall off the path, failure and negativity can creep in. This overwhelming sense of disappointment and ‘I’ve done it again, why bother’ energy comes to the surface. The past couple of years I've been cultivating intentions instead of resolutions to bring awareness and clarity. This has helped me view what I wish to implement with a much less critical mind-set and realise each new day is a new day! I love the quote of ‘Just start over’. It reminds us that we are human, we make mistakes and we all eat one too many chocolate brownies. A quote from Erykah Badu to get pen-happy and put those intentions down on paper! - 

'Write it down on real paper with a real pencil with real intent and watch it get real. Spelling is a Spell." 

And for a little more inspiration for intention setting, think of what you wish to invite into your life this year. It could be one thing or 10! Make it clear, simple and if it’s a long-term intention maybe there are ’stepping stone intentions’ that can help you along your path this year.


The art of going slow


Yoga and Music