6 postures to break up your day.

yoga home practice

6 postures to break up your day.

You’ve been sitting for hours at the computer, pumping out emails and feeling permanently hunched over? Your neck is stiff and your lower back is a little achy. Don’t worry you’re not alone! With many of us still working at home with prolonged times sitting and perhaps not the best work space. For sure this can take a toll on the body and the mind. I’m sure by now you’ve got little tools to make you move more during the day. Set a reminder on your phone to stand up every hour or yet another takeaway coffee at the local cafe. But what else can you do to assist your body? Yep, you guessed it, YOGA!

Here are 6 quick yoga poses that you can incorporate into your day to keep you moving and focused.

  1. Forward Fold - Stand hip width distance apart, fold forward over the things, bend your knees as much as you need to support your hamstrings, either place the hands to the ground or rag doll grip the arms, relax the head, gently sway side-side with the torso. Hold 10 breaths.

  2. Child Pose - Start from kneeling, bring feet together, take knees out as wide as your mat, sit back onto your heels, reach your arms forward, rest your forehead down to your mat. Hold 10 breaths.

  3. Half Split - Start from a low lunge, shift your hips back, begin to straighten into your front leg, walk your hands underneath your shoulders, flex your front foot, bend your front leg as much as you need to support your hamstring. Hold 10 breaths. Repeat both sides.

  4. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) - Start sitting (on a mat, block or cushion), cross one knee on top of the other, reach one arm up to the ceiling, bend your elbow place your hand to the back of the neck, place opposite hand on top elbow for a half bind or take the full bind, interlace hands behind back. Hold 10 breaths. Repeat on both sides.

  5. Bridge Pose - Start lying on your back, knees bent, feet grounded on your mat, arms resting either side of your body, scoop your tailbone forward to lift the hips to knee height, wriggle shoulders underneath you and interlace hands behind the back. Hold 10 breaths. Gently release and roll down the spine to lie on your back.

  6. Supine Twist - Start lying on your back, hug your knees into your chest, take arms out wide to the side, drop your knees to the right, hold 10 breaths. Repeat on both sides.


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