How to Build a Successful Home Yoga Practice

The unexpected gift of motherhood has by far been creating a dedicated home yoga practice. Even though the pandemic showed me that a home practice was much more convenient, it wasn’t until I became a mom with limited time and no help from family, that my home practice became my lifeline. Little by little I figured out how to make it part of my routine. I hope that sharing my experience can inspire you to get on your mat more often and with more ease. 

Why practice at home? First of all, time. If you find it hard to even get to a public class, a home practice is for you. Cut out the studio commute time, having to show up early to not get locked out of class, lugging your workout gear around, and roll out your mat at home in just a minute. A home practice is also much more affordable. You can find free classes on YouTube or relatively inexpensive online classes with amazing teachers. You also save on parking, petrol, babysitters, and that crazy expensive post class smoothie :) Lastly, there is something special about creating this home ritual. Whether it’s being able to light a candle, play your own tunes, being in your own safe space, or simply wearing your most comfy rags, a home practice can be so nourishing and judgement free.

I’m not going to lie, I LOVE going to the studio. The whole vibe of practicing with other yogis, the music, the breathing, the teacher’s presence and energy, it’s what got me hooked on yoga in the first place, which is why I still go when I can. For me, a daily practice or at least a few times a week is important for my mental health so I had to find a way to make it work without going to the studio daily.

So as an yoga obsessed mama with limited time, here are my go to tips for building a successful home yoga practice: 

  1. Do your practice first. Don’t wait until the laundry is done or you’ve sent that last email. Do your practice first. Whether is it when you first wake up, first walk in the door from work, or first thing when you put your baby down for a nap. Discipline is a skill you need to build and exercise so you need to make your practice a priority. Everything else will fall into place and get done (or won’t and that’s okay!) but everything else will be easier once you have done your practice. Don’t procrastinate. Put it at the top of your list, because your mental, physical, and spiritual health effects everything else.

  2. Start small, but not too small. Choose a class that is 20-30min for the first few weeks and it will naturally get easier to do something longer. If the class is too long, you are setting yourself up for failure and that spiralling of disapointment. But likewise, if the class is too short, you won’t have the endorphin boost of accomplishing a challenge.

  3. Find teachers that are effective and inspiring. The last thing you want to do is waste your time rolling around just doing cat cows for 30min, unless that’s what you want! Keep trying teachers until you find one that challenges you in the best of ways and makes good use of your time. And of course, you want someone who inspires you to keep practicing. One of the best outcomes of the pandemic is that so many teachers moved online, so you can practice with incredible teachers from the comfort of your home. You can practice with our Nectar teachers online (Amy and I!) on our partner platform The Fold. Use the code NECTAR for a 3 week free trial. They also have many other experienced and loving teachers to practice with.

There are so many more things you could obsess over like creating the perfect practice space and finding the best props, but honestly, the most important thing is getting on your mat and taking care of yourself. If you are also a mama trying to do it all, I want to remind you that the way your kids will learn to take care of themselves is by watching you do the same. The best gift you can give your family, friends and co-workers is a happier and healthier you. Sending you love and support as you build this life changing ritual. Now go get on your mat :) 

And of course, if you need extra inspiration and support getting back into your practice, a yoga retreat is an incredible way to do that. Come back from your retreat inspired, refreshed and motivated to move daily. Check out our upcoming retreats here!


Janet’s (very long) Yoga Story


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